My great friend, Makenna came over and also helped with painting a couple. She was really good too!!! But, she can also be the most random person EVER!!! She made an egg that just had splated paint all over it!!! She's CRAZY!!!
Well some of these pictures I took and WOW it is so amusing to click a button!!! So the ones that have smiley faces are the ones I took.
Well some of these pictures I took and WOW it is so amusing to click a button!!! So the ones that have smiley faces are the ones I took.

Haha first comment!
LOVE the pics. especially the ones of your sisters. You're a really good photographer (sorry, you probably get that a lot!)
I'm glad that love rubbed off on you, babe. Sure love to be crafty with you. Plus I forgot to mention on my blog that you took some of those pcitures. You sure are getting great at that. Love you.
Elle, you are truly an amazing artist! The eggs are just introductions to some great things to come. They're beautiful!
You got that awesome talent from your mom!!! I love your blog. I check it every day!!! Make sure to keep me posted when you do new posts!!!!!!!!
Elle! Your blog looks SO cute!!! Don't you love the cutest blog on the block!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey Elle it's Noelle from gym! I love your blog it's amazing! Elle please email me at noelleflake16@gmail.com I will email u my blog.
Hi Elle,
My name is Abbey and I am 12. Your blog is cute. Check out mine some time... thnxs,@bbey
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