Well, HAPPY (late) HALLOWEEN!!!!

Max's friend Hyrum, Makenna, me, Hannah, Garret (in the mask), Cutter, and Jeremy. Blake Barney also helped with a big part of it, but he wasn't in the picture. I have GREAT friends!!!
My friends and I built an AWESOME haunted House this year, it was a blast!!!

Hannah (was a witch, but went home and changed after a little while), me (I'll tell you as you scroll down), Makenna (a photographer), Julie (a pilgrim), Brooke (Hightop Queen), and Macey (the gypsy)!!!!!!


Me, a punk rocker!! (CrAzY!!!)
(Thanks Isabel for the great idea!!!)

Messy side pony and awesome pink streaks!!

Max, the ninja, (well, if you call wrapping a headband around your head a ninja)

Grace, the football player,(she looked AWESOME!!)

Cute little Claire Bear, the cheerleader!!!
We all joked and said Claire was Grace's cheerleader.

And Lucy, the kitty cat

I was
SO exited when i got this honker at "Mr. Hershey's" house. He works at a Hershey's factory!!!! Yum!!! It is SO delicious!!!
Hahaha! I still have a HUGE chunk of that Hershey's bar hidden in my room. (so my brothers can't get to it!) I look so silly in those pics!
( P.S. I am Hannah! Not my mom!)
Good job, Elle, but seriously, who had the idea for the punk rocker?? I'm thinking it was your MOTHER. Love you baby.
Hi elle! Your costume turned out awesome! I agree with your mom... she totally cam up with the idea;) I hope to see you soon!
Yo Elle i love the punk rocker!
-Your sister ,
Grace Pothier
Elle, your ponytail is getting me close.
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