Claire, Aunt Chi Chi, and Max!
Ok this is the coolest thing on the iMac EVER!!! Photo Booth is the BOMB and we use it all the time!!!

Me, Brooke Carling, and Makenna Hicks!!!
I could barely tell who was who in the top one!!!

HAHA!!! I am just sitting here laughing!!! WOW!!! This is the Best!!!
Love Photos!!!
YOu have the most awesome blog in all of Eyrealm. I will send you a free dog.
I read your mom's blog and I know you don't know me but I just had to tell you how talented I think you are with photography. I too love photog and I aspire to be as good as your mom one day. I am so impressed with your pics and your courage to get out there and make some money at it. Good luck!
Misty Pidcock
Riverton, UT
Elle, these are hilarious! I LOVE the one of Lucy! Keep up the great work and MERRY CHRISTMAS from Grammie!
We have the same computer and we have that same thing!!! i love that thing!!! i love seeing the pictures that my little sister takes with her friends!!! hey go to my blog!!! it's http://noellesamazinglife.blogspot.com
sorry there is nothin' on there because i just started it!!! hey emial me!!! my email is noelleflake16@gmail.com
~noelle flake
hahaha love your pics!! :) HAppy New YeARrR
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